Jcattiogbe Healing Ministry

The Healing Ministry is a ministry of Apostle John C. Attiogbe, which takes divine healing to the sick.

Each year, the ministry hosts a 3 day Healing Sessions within the Greater Accra region dubbed “How to Heal The Sick” for believers, where participants who desire to heal the sick and those who want to enhance their healing gifts receive their healing and miracles in an atmosphere of faith and the manifest presence of the Holy Spirit.

Visiting ministers from various churches also come to witness the miraculous works of the Spirit in our day and to tap into Apostle John Attiogbe’s healing anointing. Hundreds of people who attend the conference receive divine instant touch of healing. The sick are set free from the bondage of chronic diseases and many receive and experience the power of the Holy Spirit hence, learn the Art of Healing the sick

Don’t sit on the back burner waiting for God to call you. He has already called you according to Mark 16:15-18 and He told you what to do. He said,

These signs will follow those who believe…… they (you and I) will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover (verses 17-18)

Behold God is doing a new thing through the healing ministry of J. C. Attiogbe. God’s message for the hour is for us to learn the ‘Art of Healing’ as believers. Then God will do His part, and they will recover. You shall be exposed to many techniques on “How To Heal The Sick”.

You too can heal can heal the sick. We encourage you to enroll in our next session

School of healing CEM Ghana
The Art of Healing and Impartation Conference

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+1(513) 713-2081
+1(513) 514-3684

+233(0)24 442 9512

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