I will bless the LORD, who hath given me counsel: my reins also instruct me in the night seasons. Psalm 16:7
I love this verse because the Psalmist gives us the key to seeing God manifest the goals and dreams of our life into reality. When the Psalmist states “my reins also instruct me”…the Hebrew word reins literally means “the seat of emotion and affection.” You need a dream and goal that is so big that you feel it with every fiber of your emotional person. Your dream digs deep into your affections and encompasses your deepest feelings. Why is that? Because those feeling will “instruct you in the night seasons”.
You will wake up with new ideas and inspiration to follow after that dream or goal. You will begin to attract the resources and relationships that are needed to reach that goal and fulfill that dream. But it must start within you. It must start with a passion that is so incredibly exciting to you. When you feel that passion…you can expect to attract everything you need into your life to fulfill that passion.
So, what is it for you? What do you desire deep within you? Define it clearly and then think about it before you go to bed tonight. In your sleep you can expect your “reins” to give you thoughts and ideas that will guide you to the fulfillment of the greatest dreams of your life!
Wow, very deep, we bless God