“I will say to the LORD, “You are my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” – Psalm 91:2

  1. Lord, I thank you for the gift of life and the good health of my family.
  2. Whatever plan, whatever Arsenal, whatever weapons have been released from the realms of the spirit released against me or any member of my family, may it boomerang in Jesus’ name.
  3. Spirit of the Lord, lead our family to live a disciplined life so that we can guard our hearts against temptation.
  4. Lord, grant my family peace and hope; let your spirit of peace and hope descend on my family in spite of the challenging circumstances around us.
  5. O Lord, as I pray now, I position every member of my family in your name; I present every member of my family in your name; because your name is a strong tower. In times like this, we have nowhere else to go O Lord!
  6. You Jehovah are my fortress. to my family. Psalm 62:1&2
  7. Holy Ghost, continue to comfort my family, continue to strengthen my family in Jesus’ name.
  8. O Lord, I thank you for protecting my family in times of sickness, I thank you for being my hiding place. Psalm 36:7&8



Psalm 141: 2

  • God loves it when you pray.
  • God is concerned about every little detail of your life, no matter how trivial it may look.
  • Because it gives him the opportunity to come into your situation and prove himself.
  • You give God the opportunity to silence the enemy.