Peter therefore was kept in prison: but prayer was made without ceasing of the church unto God for him. – Act 12:5 KJV
Herod arrested Peter and kept him in prison, intending to kill him after Easter. But prayer was made without ceasing of the church unto God for Him. Please note the phrase, ‘prayer was made.’ ‘Made’ means to manufacture. The Greek is ‘ginomai’ meaning, to cause to be (‘gen’-erate), or to wrought.
This is not an ordinary kind of prayer. This kind is generated. This is when urgency seizes a man’s spirit and causes him to prayer at the pace of the Spirit. The Holy Ghost causes you to pray with groaning as He gives you utterance (Rom 8:26).
We need to be synchronized with the alertness of the Spirit. Your spiritual antenna must be sensitive to pick up signals from the Holy Ghost on issues about your life, family, ministry, community, and even country. And we must pray as the Spirit gives utterance. You must not wait for a church or prayer meeting: you must MAKE prayer. Glory to God!
Evil tries to prevail around us every day. There are all kinds of destruction that overtake the masses. But we are anointed to terminate satanic orchestration through prayer. And we must be poised always as the Spirit bade us to make a prayer. Glory to God!
Jesus told us to “Watch and pray…” (Mar 14:38). So look around you: look what Satan is doing to people, towns, and nations. When you listen to the news, don’t just be informed; be moved to pray. Watch and pray. Make prayer. Touch lives. Save nations. You are ordained to create changes. Hallelujah!
Heavenly Father, I receive your word today and answer the call to prayer. I align myself to your promptings and respond with prayer, enforcing your will and purpose in lives and nations in Jesus’ name.
To God be the glory ? ? ?.
God bless you, Apostle