“Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.” – Matthew 22:37 (KJV)

The most wonderful word in the world is love. Love is divine. It proceeds from God, without whom no one would ever know what love is. God’s creating of human beings is an act of love. Imagine God creating the earth and everything therein and willing it to mankind to rule and have dominion over, including everything therein (Genesis 1:28). Even after mankind rebelled against Him, He still sent His beloved Son to die and pay for our sin and rebellion in Adam and Eve.

Today, He has made a provision for His children to come to Him and ask for forgiveness when we sin against Him (1 John 1:9). God, being wise, made love mutual; thus He is calling on and commanding us, His children, to also love Him with all our heart, soul, and strength (Luke 10:27).

Dear beloved, have you been able to surrender your entire being, spirit, soul, and body, to God in love? Surrendering our spirit, soul, and body to God in love is the greatest gift we can give to Him. Apostle Paul also buttressed the words of Jesus Christ by asking us to present our bodies as living sacrifices to God (Romans 12:1).

Beloved, love is an action word, and if we can love God with our entire being, we will be able to love our fellow human beings and be a blessing to them. Let us do it, and God will continually bless and use us for both His small and great tasks. Hallelujah! God bless us all!

Prayer Point: Dear heavenly Father, thank you for your Word today about your love for me. I dedicate my spirit, soul, and body to you and promise to love you with my entire being and all the resources I have. Please help me keep my promise, in Jesus’ name. Amen!

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