“And it came to pass, [as] the ark of the covenant of the LORD came to the city of David, that Michal the daughter of Saul looking out at a window saw King David dancing and playing: and she despised him in her heart.” – 1 Chronicles 15:29

Do not let the critics quiet your worship. David was a worshipper at heart. It is obvious as you read through the Psalms that this man loved to worship God. He was unashamed of it and relished time in the presence of God. The problem is that he is married to someone who is not a worshipper.

Isn’t it amazing how many times it is those closest to us that distract us from our God given purpose? David is out shouting and dancing as the Ark of God – which represents His presence – has come into the city. His wife Michal looks out the window and looked at his worship as despicable. How sad that must have been for David!

Dear, brethren, there are going to be those who look at your life of worship and are very critical of the way you express yourself to God in worship. But here is the thing: they do not know your story! They do not know the reason why you shout and dance in your praise to God. They do not understand where you come from and why you are so thankful for what God has done in your life.

My encouragement to you is this: Do not let their criticism stop your worship! Keep singing because God is the One Who has given you that song.

Keep shouting because God is the One Who has given you reason to shout. Keep dancing because the spring in your step is from the Holy Ghost. Never allow those who despise worship take the worship out of you!

Action Point: Join me after reading this devotion as we get into ten minutes of worship.