Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. – Proverbs 3:5

What you are facing in life right now requires supernatural understanding. Although we may know this, far too many times we do not live it out. We come up to a struggle or decision in life and try to figure things out on our own.

We debate with others and google the internet to see how other people navigated their way through what we are facing. But at the end of the day we are frustrated that we are no further than we were when the day began. Why is that? Because you leaned on your own understanding!

Dear reader, it is time for you to lean into supernatural understanding. You have the Spirit of the Living God within you to guide you into all truth. There is no need for you to be smart enough to figure things out on your own.

Learn to trust in the One Who has it all figured out. Even if you do not always understand how God is working in your life, one thing you know is that He knows what is best for you.

Learn to trust and let go!