“And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.” – John 14:3 (KJV)

Knowing that Jesus Christ will come again makes you ready for His coming. Jesus Christ made it clear to the disciples that it was good for Him to go away so that the Holy Spirit would come and continue His work (John 16:7). He also told them that He would prepare a place for them, and He would come again and receive them unto Himself.

Beloved, some people do not believe that Jesus will come again; they make a mockery of the second coming of Christ. They have forgotten that Jesus Christ is the Word of God and whatever He says is true (John 14:6). Nobody has been able to prove that Jesus Christ has ever told a lie.

Dear beloved, are you prepared for His coming? Prepare yourself with the Word of God, watch and pray, and delight yourself in the ministry into which God has called you, and you will never miss His second coming. Praise the Lord! Be an overcomer!

Prayer Point: Dear Lord Jesus, thank You for the assurance that You will come again. I believe it and have begun preparing for Your coming. Please make me conscious of Your Word, study it daily, watch and pray, and delight me in the ministry into which You have called me so that even if Your coming is delayed, I will not be worried. Amen!