“And God saw everything that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.” – Genesis 1:31 (KJV)
The Word of God is superior to every word in the universe (Psalm 138:2, KJV). His opinion concerning the things He has made, and our own lives should never be taken for granted.
After creating human beings as the crown of His creation, He saw everything that He had made and said it was very good. This means that humans gave added value to His creation, therefore He expects us to make a significant impact wherever we find ourselves.
Dear beloved, how do you assess yourself? God says you are very good, so keep declaring that you are very good even if you do not feel it. Remember that as a child of God, whatever proceeds out of your mouth matters (Matthew 12:37).
Never allow the opinion of others to override what God has said about you. For example, you might not be the best student in your class, the boss in your job, or the most beautiful or handsome person among your friends, but it shouldn’t stop you from being the best at what you do.
Keep declaring that you are very good, beautiful, or handsome. While you declare it, also work at it, and God will make it happen for you to the glory of His name. Hallelujah! Be an overcomer!
Prayer Point: My loving Father, thank you for your inspiring Word. It makes me joyful to hear that I’m very good. You did not make a mistake in creating me, so I will keep declaring that I’m very good and beautiful and will work at it till it shows on the outside for people to testify that Jesus Christ is indeed in my life. Amen!