The earth [is] the LORD’S, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein. Psalm 24:1

Just in case you might have missed it because the world is trying to get you so focused on the bad news around us…let me just remind you of a few things:

  1. The sun rose this morning and it is going to be beautiful day.
  2. The birds are busy building their nests preparing for new life.
  3. The air has the fresh feel of spring when you walk outside.
  4. The flowers are ready to bloom with the beauty of life.
  5. Seeds will soon be planted in the ground ready to grow into a bountiful harvest

Just so you know, creation isn’t concerned about COVID 19. It is just doing what God created it to do and so should you! Take a lesson and live this day to the fullest without worry and concern. We are God’s ultimate creation so let’s follow what all of creation is doing today and bring God glory with the beauty of life within you!! Have an awesome day!!

Prayer: Lord, help me grow along your mystery. Amen