“Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.” – Matthew 7:15 (KJV)
Being aware of false prophets and teachers is the beginning of becoming a victor instead of a victim of them. Beloved, Jesus Christ cares for the souls of His sheep and does not want any one of them to perish. Therefore, He cautioned the disciples to be aware of false prophets. He describes them as ravening wolves who come in sheep’s clothing. In other words, they are pretenders who behave as if sent by God, but they are not; they are only interested in serving their own interests (Philippians 3:18–19).
He said we should use their fruit to identify them; that is, we should study their lifestyle and we will be able to identify them (Matthew 7:15–20). They are lovers of money and pleasure, engage in immoral behavior, twist the Word of God, and seek their own interests.
Beloved, study them carefully and assess them by using the Word of God; be alert in prayer, and you will be able to find them. Dear beloved, enhance your relationship with the Holy Spirit and it will be easy for you to avoid such false prophets, who can victimize you. Praise the Lord! Be vigilant!
Prayer Point: My dear Lord Jesus, thank You for your counsel. Indeed, many false prophets and teachers are in the world today who profess to belong to You but do not. As I study and meditate on Your Word Day and night, please keep my spirit alert to know and be able to identify these false prophets and teachers so I can avoid them. Please use me to preach the truth to everyone and to even win their followers for You. Amen!