“He also that is slothful in his work is a brother to him that is a great waster.” – Proverbs 18:9 (KJV)

The word slothful is synonymous with laziness or indolence. In other words, the LORD wants His children to eschew laziness or indolence and be industrious or diligent. To eschew laziness, one must be alerted to identify the habits that lead to laziness. Habits such as not being prompt at attending to pressing needs, postponing an agenda without good reason, excuses, and sleepiness.

Beloved, conscious effort must be made to keep the mind alert to do what you have been called to do. Getting your 7 to 8 hours of rest or sleep a day should not be compromised. Plan your day and execute the activities therein on time. Jesus Christ was conscious of His time and was prompt and diligent at executing His agenda on time (John 2:4). He is a good role model for us to follow—He was industrious and focused on His vision and mission. No wonder He said His food was to do His Father’s will and to finish His work (John 4:34).

Dear beloved, make friends with people who can help you achieve your goals in life and desist from creating excuses to cover up your responsibilities. Remember that excuses are not entertained in the Kingdom of God. Some have lost their place and blessings because they were fond of giving excuses (Luke 14:18–24). Be diligent and industrious, and success and riches will smile at you (Proverbs 10:4). Praise the Lord! Be an overcomer!

Prayer Point: My gracious Father, Your Word is indeed a lamp to my feet and light to my path. I have learned to be diligent today and to cease from making excuses. Please lead me to be diligent and industrious in all my ways to chalk up success upon success in my daily endeavors and my walk with You in Jesus’ name. Amen!